“I saw it coming” – quote by every major marketing and advertising person. Of course, they’re referencing the day that social media would rule the world (ie. today). What started with Facebook’s total world-domination is rapidly being conquered in the Twitter-sphere.

It’s everywhere. Twitter references on the news, online resources, television shows, events, celebrities… the list goes on. With the #hashtag, Twitter has single-handedly dominated the social media marketplace, and forever changed the way we communicate and market to consumers.

Twitter has given a voice and personality to brands that no one before knew possible. Littered with humor, emotion and personal ideas, each 140 character message becomes a deeper connection with the brand’s audience. People look forward to communicating on Twitter- as it became a more reliable and more favorable platform for customer service and feedback.

And then it progressed, transforming from a seemingly useless platform into a monster no one could have anticipated. It prompted companies to band together to create entertaining conversations everyone (participant or not) would enjoy. (Read the best Twitter conversation to ever happen).

Rock on, social media managers. We applaud your cheeky tactics, laugh with your demonstrations and gladly participate in your conversations. We (as consumers and marketers) love the colloquial trend taking social media by storm. It gives us to the opportunity to be a better face of the brands we represent, as we approach it with a “real” attitude and have the freedom to say how we (as the brand) feel about just about everything: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thanks, Twitter, for forever changing the face of client interface. It can be difficult to find that connection and it can be risky to make it, but we live for it and we love it.