It’s called a “Hallmark Holiday” for a reason. It’s the time to shine for advertising agencies, who put everything they have into pushing products onto consumers. It’s usually all smoke and mirrors, as shown in Marks & Spencer’s brilliantly designed TV advertisement depicting ornate clothing and accessories in a way that magically transports us to childhood. And in that state of childlike bliss, we find ourselves unconsciously saying, “I HAVE to HAVE it!” Like many advertisements, it focuses on what we want and does little to depict the true meaning of the holiday spirit: bringing other people joy and giving back.

It’s no secret that Spritz is fond of giving back to the community and has supported and donated to a myriad of non-profits: Family House, Bay Area Lyme Foundation, Food Bank of Contra Costa, America SCORES… to name a few. Which is why, following our passion of community betterment, we fell in love with West Jet’s dedication to bringing back the Holiday Spirit. This video made us want to book a flight just to support their endeavor.

West Jet staged a chat with Santa, and each passenger (in jest or in earnest) told the jolly old fellow what they wanted or needed, not knowing their wishes would be granted. Upon their arrival, presents lined the baggage claim, each hand-addressed to its recipient. Giddy with glee, the passengers unwrapped their gifts as the surrounding airport filled with laughter, disbelief and tears.

In all fairness, it’s a brilliant advertising stunt, and it will undoubtedly boost sales and have a positive branding effect (as all ads are intended to do). That aside, this company took the time to find out what its passengers needed and delivered both small and large presents alike, to make the weary wanderers’ holiday travels a bit less cumbersome, and a little more exciting.

In that spirit, we encourage you to approach this Season with the goal to bring joy to those around us. How will you give back?