On Wednesday, a few members of the Spritz team got to attend the Warriors game at Oakland Coliseum as guests of new friend and winery owner, Richard Zeller. While Golden State battled against the Memphis Grizzlies, Beth, Daniella and Dayna chatted with other friends in the suite and sampled some delicious food and wine. The game became really exciting during the 4th quarter, as the Warriors narrowed the score gap with just a few minutes left. The stands were packed and everyone was on their feet, but unfortunately Golden State couldn’t pull out a win. The good news, however, is that the Spritz team had tons of fun cheering them on and met some fantastic people, including Warrior’s Center Festus Ezili! We were lucky enough to catch him as he was driving out of the stadium. He courteously stopped to sign our tickets and take pictures with fans. Thank you again to Richard Zeller for having us and to all the other guests who made it such an enjoyable night! Go Warriors!